Wednesday 22 March 2017

Fever treatment Using ayurveda

Disease is a combination of dosha, dushya, and samurchana. In this context, dosha identifies the dominant functional quality. For example, vata will cause dryness and roughness; pitta will cause excess heat and bile in the body; and kapha will increase mucus and congestion. Dushya means that which is affected – the dhatu (tissue), srotas (channel) or organ.

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 Samurchana is a biochemical amalgamation of disturbed dosha and dhatus, resulting in the doshas attacking the dhatus. At this point, the dhatus no longer perform their normal function. This complex process is called disease. Jwara roga, or fever disease, is commonly treated with Ayurvedic herbs. In each case, the physician must not only determine which doshas and dhatus are imbalanced, but also the stage of samprapti (pathogenesis) of the client. In treatment, we have to prepare a particular herbal formula for a specific condition of fever based upon the doshas involved and the dhatus affected. To have success in the healing process, one has to use herbs that are antagonistic to the dosha, the dhatu, or the pathogenesis.

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Herbs can fall into three general categories: dosha pratyanika (antagonistic to the prevalent dosha), vyadhi pratyanika (antagonistic to the disease), or ubhaya pratyanika (antagonistic to both the doshas and the disease). The entry of dosha and ama (toxins) into rasa dhatu (the plasma) causes fever. Jwara may be a symptom of some other condition, or it may be a disease in itself. The physician must check the deep pulse and the superficial pulse to determine the doshas and the organs affected. One must check the third level of the pulse to determine the samprapti, the stage of the disease process, and then prepare a treatment accordingly.

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In Dr. Lad’s article (refer to “Jwara Roga” in Ayurveda Today, Fall, 1997), the formula specified for vata jwara contains Dashamula, Sudarshan and Tagara. Dashamula is dosha pratyanika. Sudarshan is vyadhi pratyanika and Tagara is ubhaya pratyanika. Dashamula (ten roots) is the primary herb used in treating aggravated vata dosha. Sudarshan will work on reducing the feverTagara, from India, is similar to the Western herb Valerian. It is an analgesic, strengthens the adrenals, and decreases vata without increasing pitta. Tagara is also a nervine, sedative, and anti-spasmodic herb that is calming to vata dosha. For pitta jwara, Dr. Lad indicates Gulwel Satva, Mahasudarshan and Kama Dudha. Gulwel Satva is dosha pratyanika. The compound Mahasudarshan is vyadhi pratyanika. It regulates deep pitta and cleanses the sthayi rasa dhatu (lymphoid tissue). Kama Dudha is ubhaya pratyanika and is anti-inflammatory. For kapha jwaraSitopaladi, Mahasudarshan, and Abhrak Bhasma are suggested.

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Sitopaladi is dosha pratyanika. This compound is anti-pyretic and an expectorant. It is both physically and emotionally cleansing. The diaphoretic action of some herbs found in Sitopaladi help promote perspiration and improve circulation, and remove cold and flu symptoms, such as congestion, from the body. Mahasudarshan again acts as vyadhi.  pratyanika in this formula. It has a decongestive action. Abhrak Bhasma, mica ash, acts on both the dosha and the disease to arrest the pathogenesis. When it enters rasa dhatu, it yields prana and strengthens the nervous system.

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Abhrak Bhasma is it rejuvenative substance for immunity; it improves cellular metabolism due to its potency. It goes into majja dhatu (nerve tissue) and promotes the creation of red blood cells. It is a nervine tonic and broncho-dialator. For the treatment of influenza, Sitopaladi acts as dosha pratyanika for both vata and kapha. Mahasudarshan is anti-pyretic and acts specifically on the disease. Tagara works on both the doshas and the disease process. In the herbal formula for strengthening the tissues after chronic fever, Shatavari promotes rasa and rakta dhatus (the plasma and the blood), while Bala and Ashwagandha primarily nourish majja and mamsa dhatus (the nervous system and the muscle tissues), although Bala works on all tissue elements. Bala literally means “strength” and it promotes power and energy. Ashwagandha literally means “that which has the smell of a horse”. 

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It gives tone and is a rejuvenative. Satvic in nature, it has a strengthening effect on both the mind and the body. There are various stages of samprapti in the different types of fevers, so treatment is not symptomatic. We must use specific formulas and recipes to solve the complex network of aggravated doshas, and disturbed dhatus, and the dosha gati (movement of the dosha – i.e., upward, downward, etc.), so that each specific formula or recipe of herbs will try to re-establish the balance of the dosha and dhatu, and to reverse the process of samprapti. In addition to the herbs, is important that recommendations for diet, bathing, bed rest and fluid consumption be observed as well, in order to bring down the fever. 

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