Friday 24 March 2017

Ancient Vedas - The Revealed Wisdom

The core foundation of Hindu belief is that Vedas contain source of all knowledge – physical or metaphysical. However in last 100 odd years, this belief has come under scrutiny due to the advances that modern science claims to make.

[know about Concept of Heaven and Hell According to Vedas]
[How Tantra is Related to Shiva and Shakti]
An entire group of Vedic ‘experts’ have stood up to prove that Vedas contain early man theories and are not compatible with modern discoveries. These include communist historians propelled by commentaries on Vedas by western Indologists like Max Muller, Griffith et al and a new breed of intellectuals who initiate all research with assumption that ‘old means defective’. However in modern era of religious marketing, another group has come up which would go to any length to discover scientific errors in Vedas. This is the group which would want 800 million Hindus to lose faith in Vedas and their religion and embrace what they believe is the final message of God. Yes I am referring to Islamic and Christian evangelists.

[know about the Vedic Origin of Islam]

[What is Bhasma- The Bath of Fire]
While both these groups of evangelists are propelled by vision of making everyone in world a follower of their respective Holy Books, the situation is even more desperate for Quran zealots. This is because a bulk of Islamic evangelists believe that Jesus will come again towards end of the world after which they would reach Paradise forever. And an important sign of Jesus’ coming is conquest of India. I do not know the original source of this superstition, but this remains a primary motivator for most Islamic evangelists today.

[Where do we go After Death?]
[Concept of Ayurveda]
Thus every now and then, we would see references to ‘Scientific Errors in Vedas’. The typical pattern would be english translation of some mantra followed by a Veda Mantra reference. For example
“Earth is flat” – Yajur Ved 32.8
Often the reference and English translation are both pointing to sources best known to authors of these works. But for layman, these create a lot of confusion and doubt over relevance of Vedas. While I would shy away from thrusting my personal faith on Vedas, I would like to provide some excerpts from Vedas that provide clues to deep scientific concepts hidden within them.
Unfortunately, due to thousand years of slavery, burning of our universities and libraries by barbarians and then demands for tackling issues of survival first, there remains a lot of work to be done to rediscover the Vedic sciences. However, sufficient clues exist to justify why this rediscovery would be worthwhile. In this article, I shall provide some brief snippets of such clues.
[What are the 4 Yugas- Ages]
A point of note: Vedas not being dogmatic in nature and containing eternal truths, do not try to spoon-feed us. Thus Vedas would contain seeds for all forms of knowledge and would urge humans to explore further. Because in the Vedic framework, its our efforts that can provide us bliss.

Rig Veda 10.22.14
“This earth is devoid of hands and legs, yet it moves ahead. All the objects over the earth also move with it. It moves around the sun.
In this mantra,
Kshaa = Earth (refer Nigantu 1.1)
Ahastaa = without hands
Apadee = without legs
Vardhat = moves ahead
Shushnam Pari = Around the sun
Pradakshinit = revolves

[What is SamaVeda]

Rig Veda 10.149.1“The sun has tied Earth and other planets through attraction and moves them around itself as if a trainer moves newly trained horses around itself holding their reins.”
In this mantra,
Savita = Sun
Yantraih = through reins
Prithiveem = Earth
Aramnaat = Ties
Dyaam Andahat = Other planets in sky as well
Atoorte = Unbreakable
Baddham = Holds
Ashwam Iv Adhukshat = Like horses

[What is Atharva Veda]

[lot more facts about modern Science in vedas] 
Rig Veda 8.12.28“O Indra! by putting forth your mighty rays, which possess the qualities of gravitation and attraction-illumination and motion – keep up the entire universe in order through the Power of your attraction.”
Rig Veda 1.6.5, Rig Veda 8.12.30“O God, You have created this Sun. You possess infinite power. You are upholding the sun and other spheres and render them steadfast by your power of attraction.
Yajur Veda 33.43“The sun moves in its own orbit in space taking along with itself the mortal bodies like earth through force of attraction.”
Rig Veda 1.35.9“The sun moves in its own orbit but holding earth and other heavenly bodies in a manner that they do not collide with each other through force of attraction.
Rig Veda 1.164.13

“Sun moves in its orbit which itself is moving. Earth and other bodies move around sun due to force of attraction, because sun is heavier than them.
Atharva Veda 4.11.1“The sun has held the earth and other planets”

[know about Non- Dualistic Philosophy]


Rig Veda 1.84.15“The moving moon always receives a ray of light from sun”
Rig Veda 10.85.9“Moon decided to marry. Day and Night attended its wedding. And sun gifted his daughter “Sun ray” to Moon.”

[How Astrology Works - Scientific Explaination]


“O Sun! When you are blocked by the one whom you gifted your own light (moon), then earth gets scared by sudden darkness.”
SCIENCE OF BUILDING SHIPS AND AIRPLANESSwami Dayanand has detailed Mantras regarding these in his Vedic commentary and Introduction to Vedas” (1876). The scientists of IISc concluded that the mechanism of airplane as suggested by Dayanand is feasible. The first manned plane was built 20 years after death of Swami Dayanand.

The verses are difficult to translate in English here, but readers are advised to review “Introduction to Vedas” by Swami Dayanand or interpretations of following mantras: Rig Veda 1.116.3, 1.116.4, 10.62.1, 1.116.5, 1.116.6, 1.34.2, 1.34.7, 1.48.8 etc.

[know the Scientific Meaning Of Gayatri Mantra]

Rig Veda 1.119.10“With the help of bipolar forces (Asvins), you should employ telegraphic apparatus made of good conductor of electricity. It is necessary for efficient military operations but should be used with caution.”



The ultimate goal of Yoga is moksha (liberation), although the exact definition of what form this takes depends on the philosophical or theological system with which it is conjugated.
According to Jacobsen, "Yoga has five principal meanings:[29]
  1. Yoga, as a disciplined method for attaining a goal;
  2. Yoga, as techniques of controlling the body and the mind;
  3. Yoga, as a name of one of the schools or systems of philosophy (darśana);
  4. Yoga, in connection with other words, such as "hatha-, mantra-, and laya-," referring to traditions specialising in particular techniques of yoga;
  5. Yoga, as the goal of Yoga practice."
According to David Gordon White, from the 5th century CE onward, the core principles of "yoga" were more or less in place, and variations of these principles developed in various forms over time:[30]
  1. Yoga, is a meditative means of discovering dysfunctional perception and cognition, as well as overcoming it for release from suffering, inner peace and salvation; illustration of this principle is found in Hindu texts such as the Bhagavad Gita and Yogasutras, in a number of Buddhist Mahāyāna works, as well as Jain texts;[31]
  2. Yoga, as the raising and expansion of consciousness from oneself to being coextensive with everyone and everything; these are discussed in sources such as in Hinduism Vedic literature and its Epic Mahābhārata, Jainism Praśamaratiprakarana, and Buddhist Nikaya texts;[32]
  3. Yoga, as a path to omniscience and enlightened consciousness enabling one to comprehend the impermanent (illusive, delusive) and permanent (true, transcendent) reality; examples are found in Hinduism Nyaya and Vaisesika school texts as well as Buddhism Mādhyamaka texts, but in different ways;[33]
  4. Yoga, as a technique for entering into other bodies, generating multiple bodies, and the attainment of other supernatural accomplishments; these are, states White, described in Tantric literature of Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as the Buddhist Sāmaññaphalasutta;[34] James Mallinson, however, disagrees and suggests that such fringe practices are far removed from the mainstream Yoga's goal as meditation-driven means to liberation in Indian religions.[35]
White clarifies that the last principle relates to legendary goals of "yogi practice", different from practical goals of "Yoga practice," as they are viewed in South Asian thought and practice since the beginning of the Common Era, in the various Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain philosophical schools.


The term "Yoga" has been applied to a variety of practices and methods, including Jain and Buddhist practices. In Hinduism these include Jnana YogaBhakti YogaKarma YogaLaya Yoga and Hatha Yoga.
The so-called Raja Yoga refers to Ashtanga Yoga, the eight limbs to be practiced to attain samadhi, as described in the Yoga Sutras of Pantajali.[37] The term raja yoga originally referred to the ultimate goal of Yoga, which is usually samadhi,[38] but was popularised by Vivekananda as the common name for Ashtanga Yoga.[39]


Classical yoga

Yoga is considered as a philosophical school in Hinduism.[40] Yoga, in this context, is one of the six āstika schools of Hinduism (those which accept the Vedas as source of knowledge).[41][42]
Due to the influence of Vivekananda, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are nowadays considered as the foundational scripture of classical Yoga, a status which it only acquired in the 20th century.[39] Before the twentieth century, other works were considered as the most central works, such as the Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Vasistha,[39] while Tantric Yoga and Hatha Yoga prevailed over Ashtanga Yoga.
[ LEARN ABOUT : Sumeru Asana ]

Ashtanga yoga

Main articles: Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Rāja yoga
Swami Vivekananda equated raja yoga with the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.[43]
Yoga as described in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali refers to Ashtanga yoga.[39] The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is considered as a central text of the Yoga school of Hindu philosophy,[44] It is often called "Rāja yoga", "yoga of the kings," a term which originally referred to the ultimate, royal goal of yoga, which is usually samadhi,[38] but was popularised by Vivekananda as the common name for Ashtanga Yoga.[39]
Ashtanga yoga incorporates epistemology, metaphysics, ethical practices, systematic exercises and self-development techniques for body, mind and spirit.[45] Its epistemology (pramanas) is same as the Samkhya school. Both accept three reliable means to knowledge – perception (pratyākṣa, direct sensory observations), inference (anumāna) and testimony of trustworthy experts (sabda, agama). Both these orthodox schools are also strongly dualistic. Unlike the Sāṃkhya school of Hinduism, which pursues a non-theistic/atheistic rationalist approach, the Yogaschool of Hinduism accepts the concept of a "personal, yet essentially inactive, deity" or "personal god".[48][49] Along with its epistemology and metaphysical foundations, the Yogaschool of Hindu philosophy incorporates ethical precepts (yamas and niyamas) and an introspective way of life focused on perfecting one's self physically, mentally and spiritually, with the ultimate goal being kaivalya (liberated, unified, content state of existence).

Hatha yoga

Main article: Hatha yoga
A sculpture of Gorakshanath, a celebrated 11th century yogi of Nath tradition and a major proponent of Hatha yoga.[52]
Hatha yoga, also called hatha vidyā, is a kind of Yoga focusing on physical and mental strength building exercises and postures described primarily in three texts of Hinduism:[53][54][55]
  1. Hatha Yoga PradipikaSvātmārāma (15th century)
  2. Shiva Samhita, author unknown (1500[56] or late 17th century)
  3. Gheranda Samhita by Gheranda (late 17th century)
Many scholars also include the preceding Goraksha Samhita authored by Gorakshanath of the 11th century in the above list.[53] Gorakshanath is widely considered to have been responsible for popularizing hatha yoga as we know it today.[57][58][59]
Vajrayana Buddhism, founded by the Indian Mahasiddhas,[60] has a series of asanas and pranayamas, such as tummo (Sanskrit caṇḍālī)[61] and trul khor which parallel hatha yoga.


Main articles: ShaivismShaiva Siddhanta, and Nath
In ShaivismYoga is used to unite kundalini with Shiva.[62] See also 'tantra' below.


16th century Buddhist artwork in Yoga posture.
Buddhist meditation encompasses a variety of meditation techniques that aim to develop mindfulnessconcentrationsupramundane powerstranquility, and insight.
Core techniques have been preserved in ancient Buddhist texts and have proliferated and diversified through teacher-student transmissions. Buddhists pursue meditation as part of the path toward Enlightenment and Nirvana.[note 3] The closest words for meditation in the classical languages of Buddhism are bhāvanā[note 4] and jhāna/dhyāna.[note 5]


Main article: Jain meditation
Jain meditation has been the central practice of spirituality in Jainism along with the Three Jewels.[63] Meditation in Jainism aims at realizing the self, attain salvation, take the soul to complete freedom.[64] It aims to reach and to remain in the pure state of soul which is believed to be pure conscious, beyond any attachment or aversion. The practitioner strives to be just a knower-seer (Gyata-Drashta). Jain meditation can be broadly categorized to the auspicious Dharmya Dhyana and Shukla Dhyana and inauspicious Artta and Raudra Dhyana.


Main articles: TantraYogi, and Siddhi
Samuel states that Tantrism is a contested concept. Tantra yoga may be described, according to Samuel, as practices in 9th to 10th century Buddhist and Hindu (Saiva, Shakti) texts, which included yogic practices with elaborate deity visualizations using geometrical arrays and drawings (mandala), fierce male and particularly female deities, transgressive life stage related rituals, extensive use of chakras and mantras, and sexual techniques, all aimed to help one's health, long life and liberation.
[ READ MORE ABOUT : Shiva and Shakti in tantra ]

Thursday 23 March 2017

Shocking Secrets of Ancient Vedas Revealed

The Vedic civilization, according to the ancient scriptures, was at a much higher level of development than our modern society.
In Sanskrit “veda” means knowledge. So what kind of knowledge are we talking about?
From the standpoint of current evolutionary theory, the human race is supposed to be at the top of the society development. However, according to the Vedic literature, in a distant past there have been civilizations in the world, the greatness of which we cannot even imagine.

[know about The Four Ages (Yugas)]

[how to Expand your Awareness with Meditation]

A detailed study of the Vedic texts was held in Bombay in 1975.
It was a scientific “explosion” in physicist circles when the scientists have discovered the vivid description of subatomic level in the Vedas written some five thousand years ago.
For example, it is stated in the Bhagavata Purana:
“The material manifestation’s ultimate particle, which is indivisible and not formed into a body, is called the atom – Param anuh. It exists always as an invisible identity, even after the dissolution of all forms. The material body is but a combination of such atoms, but it is misunderstood by the common man. ” (Bhagavata Purana 3.11.1)
In the same Bhagavata Purana the different time scales are explained, starting with the atomic. The theory of relativity and quantum physics can be substantially supplemented by information from the Sanskrit texts. Aryans were well aware of such concepts as superconductivity, nuclear and plasma weapons not to mention electricity.

[Do you know about Panchatattva: The Five Elements, Matter is composed of ]

[know about The Six Powers of Mind-Prana Shakti]

The Mahabharata, an ancient historical epic, describes the use of nuclear weapons as follows:
“It was as if all the nature’s forces have been suddenly unleashed. Something dazzling like the sun revolved in circles. Burned with a heat of this weapon, the world was staggering, as in a fever.
Elephants caught fire from the heat and rushed wildly hither and thither in search of protection from the terrible power. Water in the sea turned hot, the animals were dying, the foes were killed and trees were falling in rows under the fury of the forest fire. Elephants blew their trunks fiercely and fell dead on the ground. Horses and chariots were burned on the spot.
Thus, thousands of enemy chariots were destroyed, and then deep silence descended on the sea. Wind began to blow and the earth shined. It was a terrible sight. The corpses of the fallen were mutilated by terrible heat so that they no longer resembled people. Never before have we seen such a terrible weapon and did not hear about it. ” (Drona-parva)

[Scientific Explanation of how Astrology Works]

The Vedic texts contain a large number of descriptions of different types of weapons, ranging from primitive stone throwing slings (sarvatobhadra), wall smashing mechanisms (udghatima), to all sorts of high velocity dart throwing devices (yantra-sara), and ending with weapons which damaging force does not have modern analogues.
The tenth canto of Bhagavata Purana describes the various battles with weapons of extraordinary power. Those battles were fought by our ancient ancestors inhabited the planet, as well as representatives from other worlds.
“… Then demon Bhaumasura immediately released the fire weapon, known as shatagnhi, by which he could kill hundreds of soldiers with one stroke.”
(Bhagavata purana 10.59.15)
There were weapons similar to raging nature’s forces.
“… He (Vasudeva) contaracted brahmastra with another brahmastra, and the air weapon – with the mountain weapon”.
So on one side they used the “vayavya-astra” weapon, causing severe hurricane on the battlefield, and in order to counteract it the opposite side immediately used the so-called ” mountain weapon ” which just like a mountain could block the air flow and eliminate it completely.

[learn about Scientific Meaning of Gayatri Mantra]

The weapon “shiva-jvara” is described as heat, which is twelve times more powerful than heat of the sun, and the weapon “narayana-jvara” represents the unbearable cold.
“By that time, almost all the warriors of Shalva were killed, but when he saw that Vasudeva has arrived on the battlefield, he set in motion a terrible weapon of extraordinary power, which flew with a roar in the sky like a giant meteor. It shone with a dazzling, illuminating the sky… “
It is obvious that our ancestors were much more highly developed than we are today. Comparing to them we look like babies, at least in technical terms.
“ It was not an easy task to enter into the city of Prajyotisha-pura, because it was very well fortified. First of all, there were four formidable forts guarding the four directions of the city, and it was well-protected on all sides by formidable military strength. The next boundary was a water canal all around the city, and in addition the whole city was surrounded with electric wires. The next fortification was of anila, a gaseous substance. After this, there was a network of barbed wiring constructed by a demon of the name Mura.”         (Bhagavata Purana, 10 canto)
It appeared that the city was well-protected even in terms of today’s scientific advancement.

[Scientific Facts related to Sanskrit, "The language of Gods"]

In Vedic literature there are many references to flying saucers. In general, they are called the vimana. Vimanas in the Vedas are divided into two categories:
1) the mechanical machines, similar to airplanes and flying with wings like a bird;
2) and very complex machines that can not be precisely classified, which had unlimited possibilities.
Machines of the first category are described mainly in medieval writings in Sanskrit, along with other various automatic devices and military machines.

[learn about Ajna Chakra; The Third Eye]

[Know How To Meditate With ‘OM’]

For example, Bhoja describes an aircraft made of lightwood, which looked like a bird with two wings. The driving force of the apparatus was generated in the fire chamber with mercury, installed on it, as well as flapping wings of the machine.
The devices of the second category are described in ancient books, such as the Rig Veda, the Mahabharata, Ramayana and Puranas, and their description in many ways are similar to modern descriptions of UFOs. The main work in Sanskrit, which includes the classification of ships of all kinds, is called Vimanika-shastra. This work also reveals all sorts of technologies that are known today, such as telephone and television, though, working on an entirely different, unknown to today’s science principles

[Learn more about bhasma- the Bath of Fire]

[Learn about Concept of Ayurveda]

Here’s how the vimanas are described in the Ramayana:
“The ship of Rakshasa king (type of demonic creatures) Ravana was amazing. Its walls were glittering, incrusted with diamonds, and the windows were skillfully decorated with gold. The ship could fly in any trajectory, regardless of wind direction, subject only to request of a pilot. He could stand still in the sky at any height, resembling a great shining mountain. The ship had a symmetrical design; the towers of the great artistic work were completed with domes, like mountain peaks. The viman could change its appearance through a variety of devices. After landing, it could camouflage itself as a mountain, lit up by the risen moon. Inside this beautiful spaceship resembled a palace with halls, rooms, swimming pools, etc.”
When we think of our ancestors, according to modern tradition, the image suggests a primitive ape-man with a hefty cudgel in his hands. However, the Vedic descriptions paint a different picture:
“I have heard that Visvavasu, the great Gandharva (type of celestial singers), his mind stupefied with infatuation, fell from his airplane after seeing your daughter playing with a ball on the roof of the palace – harmya-prishthe, for she was indeed beautiful with her tinkling ankle bells and her eyes moving to and fro.” (Bhagavata Purana 3.22.17)

[Introduction to Sama Veda]

[Know about Tattva Shuddhi]

It is understood that not only at the present moment but in those days also there were skyscrapers. Herein we find the word harmya-prishthe. The literal translation of the word “harmya” is “a very high palace.” Svad vimanat means “from his own airplane.” It is suggested that private airplanes existed several thousand years ago.
There are even descriptions of the whole flying cities, spreading for several square miles. For example, Hastinapura – a moving city, was well armed and protected against external enemies…
Mathematics, mechanics and related engineering discipline could be raised to a new level thanks to the Vedic scriptures.

[learn about concept of Vibrations]

In Sanskrit, a machine is called “yantra” which is explained in the Vedic literature as “a device that controls and directs the movement of objects in accordance with their characteristics.”
There are many types of yantras. A simple example might be a taila-yantra – the wheel, pushed by a bull in circles for oil pressing from seeds. Technical devices and machines of the ancient Aryans still amaze us with the level of their engineering skill. There are many plausible descriptions of robots, which were kept at the royal palaces, such as singing and dancing birds, resembling the living ones, clocks with moving figures, and various astronomical models, showing the motion of the planets.

[Know About Atharva Veda]

There were robots designed in the form of male and female figures that performed various functions. They were made mostly of wood, but perfectly covered with humanlike skin. Their motions were provided by the system of bolts, iron rods, springs and grooves. These figures played musical instruments, served drinks to guests and did other similar services.
Yantrapurusha or man-machine could behave exactly like a real human. It is described in Bhagaya-vastu how an artist visited home of the yantracharya, or a teacher of mechanical engineering. There he was met by a robot-girl who washed his feet and had a resemblance of a real person until he realized that she was unable to speak. However, it is known that there were even speaking and absolutely fantastic sounding robots.

[How to do Vanishing trick through Samyama]

Are we able now, with all our modern science and computer technology, to repeat a similar level of inventive skill? Can we believe that the technical progress, as it is described in the Vedas, has really existed on Earth? Are Sanskrit texts the only proof of greatness of that ancient civilization?
In order to answer these questions, it would be sufficient to analyze briefly the most famous archaeological monuments of antiquity. For example, in Delhi there is a metal column, known worldwide as “a pillar of Indra.”

[how does Ashatavakra Gita present the Non-dualistic philosophy?]

[How are our Thoughts, the Origin of everything in this Universe?]

For several millennia, it has resisted the influence of precipitation, with no trace of rust. The column is made of atomic iron, without admixture of carbon and sulfur at the molecular level. In our time, it is possible to reproduce such a perfectly pure iron only with the sputter coating technique in the outer space and only in small quantities. The height of “Indra’s pillar” corresponds to the three-storey house, in fact, the column goes under the earth for a few tens of meters. How did they do it, what mechanisms were used to produce this miracle?
In the Hari Bhakti Vilas, written by Sanatana Goswami, it is said:
“As bell metal (bronze) is turned into gold when mixed with mercury in an alchemical process, so in that very way, by the process of proper initiation by a bona fide spiritual master – diksa vidhanena, a person becomes a brahmana.”
(Hari Bhakti Vilasa 2.12)
The Vedas can give us tremendous knowledge, both material and spiritual. The greatest culture of people, who could turn a simple bronze into gold, is definitely able to revive our morally degraded society and add great deal of value to our lives.

[know more about Vedanta, yogic Healing and Meditation powers]

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